Monday, January 2, 2017

Poetry (Sometimes)


Sit and wonder what life’s about. Sometimes.
Get so angry just want to shout. Sometimes.
The pursuit of happiness is a strange route. Sometimes.
Try to believe, but have doubt. Sometimes.

Tired of being the bigger person. Sometimes.
Prefer solitude over conversing. Sometimes.
The mind is known to play tricks. Sometimes.
Words hurt more than stones and sticks. Sometimes.

The past is hard to let go. Sometimes.
Can’t stand being last to know. Sometimes.
The lie sounds better than the truth. Sometimes
It’s just not enough to have proof. Sometimes.

Simply just don’t have the nerve. Sometimes.
Get exactly what you deserve. Sometimes.
Have to get it off the chest. Sometimes.
It’s not enough just to do your best. Sometimes.

One makes a pair. Sometimes.
The pain is too much to bear. Sometimes.
Life just simply isn’t fair. Sometimes.
Truth be told, don’t really care. Sometimes.

Act before you think. Sometimes.
It can all happen in a blink. Sometimes.
Even darkness blinds the hallways. Sometimes
But sometimes, sometimes feels like an always.

Eric D.